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行业 : 精密零件 - Precision Parts Industry


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Many precision parts have very stringent requirements. Very tight tolerances and deep diffusion cases with zero white layer have become a standard for many parts. The Nitreg® controlled gas nitriding process has been replacing other, more traditional technologies in many existing and new applications due to its ability to meet these requirements.

The successes of gas nitriding through the control of the nitriding potential led to the creation of Material Specification 2759/10 (SAE). Consequently, Nitrex nitriding specification was recognized by ANSI as national standard.

Types of applications

  • Bushings

  • Parts of fuel injection mechanisms

  • Parts of landing gear

  • Parts of gearbox assembly

  • Engine components

  • Auxiliary Power Units, Actuators

  • Actuators - Wing flaps

  • Gearing for Power Transmission

  • Cargo door actuators and Cargo plane floor Robotic actuators

  • Auxiliary Power Units

  • Hydraulic & auxiliary Power Actuators

  • Aircraft Hardware


Nitreg® nitrided - Small stainless steel gears for torque motors and actuators in control system devices.



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